Tuesday, 13 October 2015


Python is a high level, widely used general-purpose language. Its design emphasizes on code readability, and its syntax allows the programmers to express concepts in fewer(less) lines of code than would be possible with other languages g. C++ or Java

Python 2.7 supports multiple paradigms of programming, including imperative, object-oriented, and functional programming. Python features a very dynamic type system and automatic memory management and has a very comprehensive, large standard library.

Basic functions

abs(): The absolute value

all(): All of the elements of an iterable true?

any(): Are there any of the members of an iterable true?

bin(): To convert to binary

bool(): To convert to Boolean

bytearray(): To create a byte array

chr(): To get the character with a given code

cmp(): To compare two values

complex(): To convert to complex type

dict(): To convert to a dictionary

divmod(): The quotient and remainder

enumerate(): The step through indices and values of an iterable

file(): To open a file

filter(): To extract qualifying elements from an iterable

float(): To convert to float type

format(): To format a value

frozenset(): To create a frozen set

hex(): To convert to base 16

int(): To convert to int type

input(): To read an expression from the user

iter(): To produce an iterator over a sequence

len(): The number of elements

list(): To convert to a list

long(): To convert to long type

map(): To apply a function to each element of an iterable

max(): The largest element of an iterable

min(): The mallest element of an iterable

next(): To call an iterator

oct(): To convert to base 8

open(): To open a file

ord(): To find the numeric code for a character

pow(): The exponentiation

range(): To generate an arithmetic progression as a list

raw_input(): To prompt and read a string from the user

reduce(): The sequence reduction

reversed(): To produce a reverse iterator

round(): To round to the nearest integral value

set(): To create an algebraic set

sorted(): To sort a sequence

str(): To convert to str type

sum(): The total the elements of a sequence

tuple(): To convert to a tuple

type(): To return a value's type

unichr(): To convert a numeric code to a Unicode character

unicode(): To convert to a Unicode string

xrange(): The arithmetic progression generator

zip(): To combine multiple sequences

Advanced functions

basestring: The base class of the string.

callable(): Is it callable?

delattr(): To delete a named attribute

dir(): To display a namespace names

eval(): To evaluate an expression in source form

execfile(): To execute a Python source file

getattr(): To retrieve an attribute of a given name

globals(): The dictionary of global name bindings

hasattr(): What does a value have an attribute of a given name?

id(): The unique identifier

isinstance(): Is it a value an instance of some class or type?

issubclass(): Is it a class a subclass of some other class?

locals(): The dictionary of local name bindings

property(): To create an access-controlled attribute

reload(): To reload a module

repr(): The representation

setattr(): To set an attribute

slice(): To create a slice instance

staticmethod(): To create a static method

super(): The superclass

vars(): The local variables

To Know More About python 2.7 reference Visit us...

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