Monday, 19 October 2015

Raspberry Pi Starter Guide

The Raspberry Pi is an amazing little computer that fits perfectly in the palm of your hand, yet it’s able to pack enough power to run a VPN, your home media center and a lot more. Before you can do anything good, however, you will need to configure the Raspberry Pi and install an operating system. Here’s a simple guide on how to do that.

A Raspberry Pi Defined

It’s a very capable mini computer that is small enough to fit in your pocket. For about $30-45, you will get a caseless computer with an HDMI and analog composite video output. You can add up to two different USB devices and connect it to the internet via ethernet. The Raspberry Pi is inexpensive and powerful thus allowing you to create a home media center, VPN server or internet radio on the cheap. That said, set up equipment and a lot of other parts are required to get it ready.

What You Will Need

The Raspberry Pi may be a small computer on its own, but you will still need a couple of other things to make it work.

A Raspberry Pi

m An HDMI, or a video-capable connecting to a monitor or a television.
In this guide we will be working with an HDMI capable and a monitor because a monitor offers built-in sound and a better resolution.

A 4GB SD card Class 4+ and a card reader
A majority of SD cards will work, but some SD cards are not compatible and will therefore cause some issues. .

A USB mouse and keyboard: Any standard USB mouse or keyboard will do the job. Wireless peripherals will also work, but you will have to unplug them and then plug them back in after the Raspberry Pi boots.

An ethernet cable: Any ethernet cable will do. You will only need this cable to connect to your network,thus gain internet access.

A quality, USB power supply that can be able to provide at least
700 milliAmps at 5V.

A 3.5mm audio cable:

You will only need this if you are using analog video and you want to connect your Raspberry Pi to external speakers or internal ones on your monitor or television.
You can find most of these items pretty much anywhere, i.e online shops, stores, e.t.c

How to Setup Your Raspberry Pi

You can use your Raspberry Pi for a couple of different things–some that may require special operating systems, but first off, it’s a good idea to understand the Pi by installing Raspbian, which is a Raspberry Pi-focused version of Linux.

1. Prepare Your SD Card

The first thing you need to do is to prepare your SD card for the Pi. This will involve formatting the SD card properly and putting Raspbian, which is the standard Raspberry Pi operating system, on it. The steps will vary depending on the operating system, but in this article, we are going to discuss how to setup the Pi on Windows.

2. Setup on Windows

1. Download the most recent version of Raspbian and then unzip the .img file inside. (It’s about 500MB thus it may take a some time to download.)

2. Download Win32 Disk Imager and then unzip the application (it’s a .exe file) inside.

3. Insert your microSD card into the Windows PC using a card reader.

4. Open the Win32 Disk Imager.exe, you just downloaded by double-clicking on it. If you’re running on Windows 7, 8 or 10 right click on the application and select “Run as Administrator” instead.

5. If the SD card is not automatically detected by the application, just click on the dropdown menu at the top right and choose it from the list.

6. In the img file section of your application, click on the little folder icon and then choose the Raspbian .img file that you just downloaded.

7. Click on the Write button and wait for the Win32 Disk Imager to do its thing. When it completes, you can now safely eject the SD card and insert it into your Raspberry Pi. You are ready to go!!

To Know More About Raspberry pi Reference Visit us…

Source : Click Here

Tuesday, 13 October 2015


Python is a high level, widely used general-purpose language. Its design emphasizes on code readability, and its syntax allows the programmers to express concepts in fewer(less) lines of code than would be possible with other languages g. C++ or Java

Python 2.7 supports multiple paradigms of programming, including imperative, object-oriented, and functional programming. Python features a very dynamic type system and automatic memory management and has a very comprehensive, large standard library.

Basic functions

abs(): The absolute value

all(): All of the elements of an iterable true?

any(): Are there any of the members of an iterable true?

bin(): To convert to binary

bool(): To convert to Boolean

bytearray(): To create a byte array

chr(): To get the character with a given code

cmp(): To compare two values

complex(): To convert to complex type

dict(): To convert to a dictionary

divmod(): The quotient and remainder

enumerate(): The step through indices and values of an iterable

file(): To open a file

filter(): To extract qualifying elements from an iterable

float(): To convert to float type

format(): To format a value

frozenset(): To create a frozen set

hex(): To convert to base 16

int(): To convert to int type

input(): To read an expression from the user

iter(): To produce an iterator over a sequence

len(): The number of elements

list(): To convert to a list

long(): To convert to long type

map(): To apply a function to each element of an iterable

max(): The largest element of an iterable

min(): The mallest element of an iterable

next(): To call an iterator

oct(): To convert to base 8

open(): To open a file

ord(): To find the numeric code for a character

pow(): The exponentiation

range(): To generate an arithmetic progression as a list

raw_input(): To prompt and read a string from the user

reduce(): The sequence reduction

reversed(): To produce a reverse iterator

round(): To round to the nearest integral value

set(): To create an algebraic set

sorted(): To sort a sequence

str(): To convert to str type

sum(): The total the elements of a sequence

tuple(): To convert to a tuple

type(): To return a value's type

unichr(): To convert a numeric code to a Unicode character

unicode(): To convert to a Unicode string

xrange(): The arithmetic progression generator

zip(): To combine multiple sequences

Advanced functions

basestring: The base class of the string.

callable(): Is it callable?

delattr(): To delete a named attribute

dir(): To display a namespace names

eval(): To evaluate an expression in source form

execfile(): To execute a Python source file

getattr(): To retrieve an attribute of a given name

globals(): The dictionary of global name bindings

hasattr(): What does a value have an attribute of a given name?

id(): The unique identifier

isinstance(): Is it a value an instance of some class or type?

issubclass(): Is it a class a subclass of some other class?

locals(): The dictionary of local name bindings

property(): To create an access-controlled attribute

reload(): To reload a module

repr(): The representation

setattr(): To set an attribute

slice(): To create a slice instance

staticmethod(): To create a static method

super(): The superclass

vars(): The local variables

To Know More About python 2.7 reference Visit us...

Source : Click Here

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Groovy Commands Reference

The groovy shell has a quite number of different commands, which provide rich access to the groovy shell’s environment.

Commands all have a shortcut (which is something like \h) and a name . The commands may also have some predefined system aliases. The users may also create their own aliases.

1.4.1. Recognized Commands


To display the list of commands or the help text for specific command.

The Groovy Command List

groovy:000> : i.e help

The Available commands:

 :help      (:h ) Will display this help message
  ?          (:? ) An alias to: ->help
  :exit      (:x ) Exiting the shell
  :quit      (:q ) An alias to: :exit
  import     (:i ) Importing a class into the namespace
  :display   (:d ) To display the current buffer
  :clear     (:c ) Clearing the buffer and resetting the prompt counter.
  :show      (:S ) Show’s variables, imports or classes
  :inspect   (:n ) Inspecting a variable or the last result with the GUI object browser
  :purge     (:p ) Purging variables, classes, imports or preferences
  :edit      (:e ) Editing the current buffer
  :load      (:l ) Loading a file or URL into the buffer
  .          (:. ) An alias to: ->load
  :save      (:s ) Saving the current buffer to a file
  :record    (:r ) Recording the current session to a file
  :history   (:H ) Displaying, managing and recalling edit-line history
  :alias     (:a ) Create an alias
  :set       (:= ) List or set preferences
  :register  (:rc) Registering a new command with the shell
  :doc       (:D ) This Opens a browser window displaying the specific doc for the argument

For help on a specific command just type:

    :help <command>

Help for a Command

While in the interactive groovy shell, you can ask for help for a specific command to get more details about it's function or syntax.

To Know More About Groovy language Reference Visit us..

Tuesday, 29 September 2015


A list of some basic Git commands that will get you going with Git.

Git task
Git commands
Telling Git who you are
Make sure you configure the author name and email address to be used with your commits.
Take Note that Git strips some characters (for example trailing periods) from
git config --global "Ian Smonerl"
git config --global
Creating a new local repository

git init
Checking out a repository
Create a working copy of the local repository:
git clone / path/to/repository
For a remote server, just use:
git clone username@host:/path/to/repository
Adding files
Adding one or a couple of files to staging (index):
git add <filename>

git add *
Commit changes to head :
git commit -m "The Commit message"
Committing any files that you've added with git add, and also commit any files you've changed since then:
git commit -a
Send the changes to the master branch of your remote repository:
git push origin master
Listing the files you have changed and those you still need to commit or add.
git status
Connecting to a remote repository
If you have not connected your local repository to the remote server, add the server so as to be able to push to it:
git remote add origin <server>
List all the currently configured remote repositories:
git remote -v
Creating a new branch and switch to it:
git checkout -b <branchname>
Switch from one branch to another:
git checkout <branchname>
Listing all the branches in your repository, and also tell you what branch you are currently in:
git branch
Deleting the feature branch:
git branch -d <branchname>
Pushing the branch to the remote repository, so other people can use it:
git push origin <branchname>
Pushing all branches to your remote repository:
git push --all origin
Deleting a branch on your remote repository:
git push origin :<branchname>
Update from your remote repository
Fetching and merging changes on the remote server to your working directory:
git pull
To merge different branches into your active branch:
git merge <branchname>
Viewing all the merge conflicts:
Viewing the conflicts against the base file:
Previewing changes, before merging:
git diff
git diff --base <filename>
git diff <sourcebranch> <targetbranch>
After you have manually resolved any kind of conflicts, you mark the changed file:
git add <filename>
You can use tagging to mark a significant changeset, e.g a release:
git tag 1.0.0 <commitID>
Commit Id is the leading characters of the changeset ID, up to 10, but they must be unique. Get the ID using:
git log
Pushing all tags to remote repository:
git push --tags origin
Undoing local changes
In case you end up messing up, you can replace the changes in your work tree with the last content in head:
Changes already added to the indexing, as well as new files, that will be kept.
git checkout -- <filename>
Instead, so as to drop all your local changes and commits, fetching the latest history from the server and point your local master branch at it, do this:
git fetch origin

git reset --hard origin/master
Searching the working directory for foo():
git grep "foo()"

To Know more About This Content Git Command Reference Visit us..

Thursday, 24 September 2015

A Short C Programming Guide

So you want to be a coder.... I mean, a programmer, well by reading this guide maybe we will be able to help you accomplish that ultimate goal. First, let us tell you some facts about C and its derivative - C++. C is considered the most commonly used programming language in the world. If you want a job in programming, then you will need to know this language, and know it well. But what really makes C the programming language that every programmer wants to use. Well, C programming has been around for quite some time.

The original C language since the 70s, and the derivative C++ since the early 80s, which is equivalent to the eons in computer time. C language is the most versatile high level language. C language permits just about anything, thus allowing programmers to write straight to the metal. C’s code runs very fast.

This tutorial is meant to be a brief introduction to the C language, it is by no means exhaustive.

1. Your First C Program

If you have ever read another guide or a book on C programming language, then you have probably seen this program before. The hello world. This is a perfect starting place for our guide. So, go ahead and type the following C program into your favorite editor.

/* Hello World */
#include <stdio.h>

void main()
    printf("\nHello World\n"); // print to screen

Now save this code into a file, and call the file helloworld.c, then compile the file by typing at a command prompt:

gcc helloworld.c

If you are using *Nix, then you should have an -> a.out file now, but if you are going to use Windows you might be now wondering what is gcc, and where you are going to type the above code into. On Windows OS, getting started with C language is little more difficult compared to a *Nix variant.

A C Program contains variables and functions. The functions of a program specify the tasks that are going to be performed by the program. The above C program has one function called the main. The main function tells your C program where to start running. The main functions are normally kept short and calls for different functions to perform the necessary sub-tasks. Every C code must have a main function.

C language is case-sensitive. All the commands have to be written like they are above. C denotes the end of statement with a semi-colon like Pascal & Java. Brackets usually signify either to "{" begin a group of statements, or "}" or end a group of statements. The /* comment */ or // designates a comment. Anything written after two slashes the compiler ignores. The very last part of the program that you should take notice of is the #include. This simply includes a group of functions from the filename specified between then greater than and the less than signs (<...>). The file located above stdio.h contains a list of standard functions for C compiler to use, the function our above program uses is printf. Printf takes the characters between the quotation marks, and outputs them to the screen.

Now you fully nderstand the hello world program.

To Know More about C programming reference sheet visit us

Resource:Click Here

Friday, 4 September 2015

GIT Command Reference

What is GIT?

Gitis a scalable, fast and distributed revision control system with a usually rich command set that provides both high-level operations & full access to internals.

Git stores and deals with the information much differently than these other version control systems, even though the user interface is fairly similar, and understanding those differences will help prevent you from becoming confused while using it.
 The major difference between git and other Version Control System (VCS) is the way Git thinks about its data. Accordingly, some other systems store information as a list of file-based changes. Other systems think of the information they keep as a set of files and the changes made to each file over time.

Git doesn’t think of or store its data this way. Instead, Git thinks of these data more like a set of snapshots of miniature file system. Every time you commit, or save the state of your project in Git accordingly, takes a picture of what all your files look like at that moment and stores a reference to that snapshot. It is efficient, if files have not changed, it does not store the file once again, it just a link to the previous same file it has already stored. Git thinks about its data more like a stream of snapshots.

 This is an important distinction between Git and nearly all other VCSs. It makes the Git considered almost every aspect of version control that most other systems copied from the previous generation. This make Git more like a mini file system with some incredibly powerful tools built on top of it, or rather than VCSs.

Git Has Integrity

Everything in GIT is check-summed before it stored and it is stored and is then referred to by that checksum. That means it’s impossible to change the contents of any file or directory without Git knowing about it. This function is built into Git at the lowest level & is integral to its philosophy. You can’t lose the information in transit or get file corruption with ought Git being able to detect it.

Git Generally Only Adds Data

When you do actions in Git, nearly all of them only add data to the Git database. It is very hard to get the system to do anything that is not undo able or to make it erase data in any way. In VCS, you can lose or mess up changes you haven’t committed yet, but after you get a snapshot into Git, it is very difficult to loose, especially if you regularly push your database to another repository.

Git Advantages

•Git allows users to selectively pull branches from other repositories accordingly. This provides an upfront mechanism for narrowing the amount of history stored locally.
•Git supports an unlimited number of parent revision during a merge
•Git has rebase command and which allows you to take a local branch and change its branch point to more recent revision.

Git Command References

Users interact with GIT through git command lines.  There are GUI like Tortoise Git that runs on top of the GIT command sets.

You can run something like Git log 1a410e to look through your whole history, but you still also have to remember that 10410e is the last commit in order to walk that history to find all those objects. You require a file in which you can store the SHA-1 value under a simple name so you can use the pointer rather than the raw SHA-1 value.

In Git, these are called “references”, you can find the files that contain the SHA-1 values in the, git/refs directory. In the currently project, this directory contains no files, but it contains a simple structure.

To know More Info about C programming reference sheet visit us

Article Source:- Click here


C Programming Reference Sheet

C programming sheet provides total description about Programming language. C Programming plays a very important and significant role accordingly.

Why C Programming language as your first Programming Language?

There are so many programming languages are available that are used in the academic and industry. You require being familiar with at least two programming languages to be successful even if your future career is not relating to programming. We believe that today's time it is very important to have the knowledge of basic programming languages. If you want to become a programmer than you should learn C first, then pick up a language that is being suited for your need.

The World of programming Languages is vast. Programming Languages that are tried and often dominate the landscape, with contenders stepping into the arena every so often, However, due to the nature of software development, it can be hard for new programming languages to gain attention. You generally need strong understanding and strong reason to switch from a language you are currently using.

It requires long time to learn and to practice and learn new languages, and you have to be confident that the languages you are considering switching to will be supported in the long term. According to today's market no body want to build a software in a language that will be obsolete in few year's time. C Programming Reference Sheet provides total description of C Programming Language. The C programming language is widely used and most popular programming language for creating computer programs. Programs around globe embrace C because it gives maximum control & efficiency to the programmer.

If you are C Programmer there are couples of Benefits you gain from learning C.

• You will be able to write and read the code for a large number of platforms- everything from microcontrollers to the most advanced scientific Systems can be written in C, and many modern operating systems are developed using C.

• Then you can jump easily to the object oriented C++ languages becomes much more simple. C++ is considering as extension of C language.

• It is difficult to learn C++ without learning C first.

To Know More about Fedora 20 commands visit us

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Groovy Language References

NET SOUP is better place for you if you are looking for Groovy Language References. Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java Platform.  Groovy is a dynamic language with features similar to those of Python, Perl, Ruby and Smalltalk. Groovy language references is very powerful, optional & dynamic language, with static type and static compilation capabilities, for the java platform targeted at multiplying developer’s productivity, familiar and simple to learn syntax. It integrates smoothly with any java program, & immediately delivers to your application powerful feature, including scripting capabilities, Domain- Specific language authoring, runtime and compile time Meta programming and functional programming.

 Groovy is an optionally typed, powerful and dynamic language. Groovy 1.0 was released on January 2, 2007, and Groovy 2.0 released in July, 2012 and Groovy 3.0 is planned for release in late 2015, with new Meta Object Protocol, from Version 2 Groovy can also be compiled statically, offering type interference and performance very nearer to that of Java.

Most of the Java valid files are also valid for Groovy files. Groovy code can be more compact, because this language does not require all the elements that Java requires. Groovy provides native support for different markup languages such as Html and XML. Unlike Java, Groovy source code file can be executed as a script if it contains code outside any class definition is a class with amain method or it is Runnable. A Groovy script is fully complied, parsed and generated before execution.

To know More about Arduino reference manual visit us

Article Source:-  Click here

Friday, 24 July 2015

Why C Programming language as your first Programming Language?

There are so many programming languages are available that are used in the academic and industry. You require being familiar with at least two programming languages to be successful even if your future career is not relating to programming. We believe that today’s time it is very important to have the knowledge of basic programming languages. If you want to become a programmer than you should learn C first, then pick up a language that is being suited for your need.

The World of c programming reference sheet is vast. Programming Languages that are tried and often dominate the landscape, with contenders stepping into the arena every so often, However, due to the nature of software development, it can be hard for new programming languages to gain attention. You generally need strong understanding and strong reason to switch from a language you are currently using.


It requires long time to learn and to practice and learn new languages, and you have to be confident that the languages you are considering switching to will be supported in the long term. According to today‘s market no body want to build a software in a language that will be obsolete in few year’s time. C Programming Reference Sheet provides total description of C Programming Language. The C programming language is widely used and most popular programming language for creating computer programs. Programs around globe embrace C because it gives maximum control & efficiency to the programmer.

If you are C Programmer there are couples of Benefits you gain from learning C.

•     You will be able to write and read the code for a large number of platforms- everything from microcontrollers to the most advanced scientific Systems can be written in C, and many modern operating systems are developed using C.

•     Then you can jump easily to the object oriented C++ languages becomes much more simple. C++ is considering as extension of C language.

•     It is difficult to learn C++ without learning C first.

For More Information python 2.7 reference Visit us.

Source : Click Here


Friday, 17 July 2015

Arduino Code Reference

What is Arduino?
Ardiuno is open source computer hardware and Software Company, user and project community that designs & manufactures kits for building digital devices & interactive objects that can sense & control the physical world.

The project is belongs to family of microcontroller board designs manufactured primarily by smart projects & also by several other vendors.

Have you ever read a book and come upon a word you didn’t understand? Sometimes you can also infer the meaning from its context, but what about when no such context exists?

Likely, you used a search engine to find the appropriate definition. The definition told you what the word meant, whether it was a verb or adjective, it gave some examples of how to use the word, and may be even the etymology. The arduino reference manual Code Reference is the same thing. It is the “dictionary” for all the variable, structures and functions that you can use when programming sketch. So let’s jump into an Arduino Code Reference Page.

You will note at the top of the reference index page, there are three columns; Structure, functions and variables. This is the first level of organization in the reference. So if you are looking for a variable, you must know which column to start looking in.

Each of the hyperlinked items on this index page will take you to the individual entries references page. What’s great about the individual references pages is that they are organized in a similar manner from one to the next, so you should know what to expect exactly. They are also terse, so don’t think you are going to have to scour through someone dissertation.

Each page has major headings. We will walk through the main ones and then talk about some less common.
Set Pin 13 to the same value as Pin 7, declared as an input.

int led Pin = 13;
int inPin = 7;
int val= 0;
Void Setup ()
Pinmode (ledPin, OUTPUT);
Pinmode (inpin, INPUT);
Void loop ()
Val= digitalRead (inpin);
Digitalwrite(ledpin, val);


All entries will have a description and details. Pretty straight forward this is going to be a simple explanation of what the item does. It commonly uses language that is basic.


Most of the entries have“syntax” headings and they are more prevalent for functions. The syntax explains and shows how the function should write when you use it in your sketch.

Digital Write (pin, value)

 The word in the parerntheses is telling you what type of value should be passed to the functions. If we want to use this function than it will require two things, first is the pin number and the value to write to the pin.

Only structures and functions will have the “Parameters” heading.


Pin: the pin number

Value: High or Low


This will tell you what value to expect functions to give you back. When you use the square root function, you expect to get back the square root accordngly. But which data type will the square root be- an integer, a double or float? The “Return” heading will tell you.

Sqrt (X)

Description: Calculates the square root of a number.

Parameters: X the number, any data type

Returns: double, the number’s square root.

Arduino Code Reference makes programming embedded devices more accessible to lot of people.  If you know Java then it will be more beneficial.

For More Information c programming reference sheet Visit us..